Wyoming Children's Law Center, Inc.
Our mission is to protect children and vulnerable adults through direct legal services, holistic conflict resolution, and policy advocacy.
This timeline was originally created by the Kids Count Project of the Wyoming Children's Action Alliance and is now maintained by the Wyoming Children's Law Center. It includes important changes, opinions, and stories from Wyoming's juvenile justice history.
Our work encompasses local, statewide and tribal services at reduced cost or, for qualifying families, for free. Legal services include special education cases, guardianships, adoption, and juvenile assistance.
Our Family Tree services are non-legal and consist of mediation, parent education and supervised visits and exchanges.
The Youth Justice Coalition works within the communities of Wyoming to build relationships and generate positive solutions to the problems facing youth who have been in contact with the criminal justice system.
Our juvenile justice advocacy encompasses coordinating with local stakeholders to identify and implement juvenile justice reforms, working to make schools safer for everyone, and collecting data to make informed decisions to best advocate for the most vulnerable members of our society.